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This Is My Story

I fell in love with Africa after my first safari in 2006. I spent the next couple of years learning everything I could, and visiting as many camps and destinations throughout Africa as possible. I then structured my personal efforts within my travel agency to focus on Africa. I started leading groups and putting together custom itineraries, and have never looked back. After 15 years, I have now sold my agency, and work strictly on Africa. I have said since my first visit, that Africa is the most life altering destination on Earth. I have traveled extensively throughout my life to many countries on six continents (Antarctica is soon), and I still feel the same way. There are many amazing destinations and adventures, but there is nothing in the world that compares to sub-saharan Africa in my opinion. It doesn't matter if you are eight or eighty - it will change you - for the better. I would love to plan a customized safari for you or have you travel with me!
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